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8. Tagung des Internationalen Netzwerkes URBIO

8. Tagung des Internationalen Netzwerkes URBIO

- Columbia/USA und Online

Montag, 24. Juni bis Mittwoch, 26. Juni 2024

University of Missouri, Columbia, MO, USA und Online

Das Hauptthema ist „Urban Biodiversity and Design for Local Communities”.

Nature conservation is a growing trend in urban neighborhoods. Stakeholder groups search for the help of scientists and professionals to organize resilient and biodiverse urban environments that fulfill a range of ecosystem services. However, translating and disseminating knowledge on successful policies, practices, and nature-based solutions between academics and practitioners is often lacking.

The aim of the 2024 URBIO conference is to bring together scientists and academics, landscape architecture and planning practitioners, and community groups to co-produce what knowledge people need for the successful design and implementation of biodiversity (including nature conservation policies) in urban areas. 

URBIO (Urban Biodiversity and Design International Network) is the network of academics, practitioners, and stakeholders focused on urban biodiversity and design. Established in 2008, it has 1150 members from 64 countries. URBIO has distinguished itself as a forum for all ecologists, providing conferences, workshops, webinars, and opportunities for ecologists from academic and non-academic settings to collaborate with each other and with design, planning, and government practitioners for effective conservation solutions in urban areas.

Dead-line for registration: June 17, 2024

Further Information

Email your request with the following information to muconf4@missouri.edu